What NOT to post on LinkedIn..

Deter posting any Personal information
You may have experienced thrill and adventure on your recent vacation in Europe or may have had whole of a time in a dance club, but these details are not interesting for your professional network or recruiters.
Never try to post picture or status updated on LinkedIn’s site timeline. Likewise, do not ever post family pictures, or children celebrating any occasion or events because this is extraneous for your connections.
Having said that, any volunteering or social work that you take up calls for an update on LinkedIn may be once or twice a week as iit reflects your behaviour and personality.
But, DO NOT brag about your donation cheques or cash amount.
Say no to posting any spiritual beliefs
No one is interested to know the Gods you worship or saints you preach, the days you fast or the days you are low on your self-esteem.
Any spiritual beliefs or messages must only be restricted to other informal social media platforms like facebook or instagram.
Besides, hatred for any other religion is also a No-Go and may even lead to job rejections by some recruiters.
Steer clear of politics
Say no to any abusive language on posts or comments as it may instantly turn-off your professional connections and recruiters. Not only LinkedIn, but other channels also disregard such actions as they are stringent about anti-abuse policies despite being violated many times. However, on LinkedIn, this may cost you a fortune and you may even end up being terminated from job.
On the same token, forget about commenting on any politics-related posts, even if you oppose the narration because this platform is only for business and jobs and must not be misused for personal causes.
No non-professional discussions
Any non-professional area is a no-go for LinkedIn because this is not meant for these informal motives.
Any romance, flirting, sending unsolicited pictures, etcetera is forbidden here because this is not for making love connections or dating. You may use other applications for these goal, rather channelize LinkedIn only for fulfilling professional aims.
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